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TAG Gas Deck Oven for Wholesale & Retail Bakeries
TAG Gas Deck Oven for Wholesale & Retail Bakeries
TMB Baking
The TAG™ Gas Deck Hearth Oven has been our primary workhorse of wholesale and wholesale/retail bakeries for nearly 20 years. Designed by world-renowned baker, consultant and educator, Michel Suas, the TAG is built to bake for up to 20 hours a day and features the most thermal mass (between vapor tubs, concrete and masonry) of any oven in the world.
Stoneheart™ and Bassanina Tubix™ Gas Deck Ovens
Stoneheart™ and Bassanina Tubix™ Gas Deck Ovens
When bakers want the overall performance of a gas deck oven with the thermal mass of masonry and concrete foundation and concrete reinforced walls, but have less space and budget than required for the TAG oven, then the Stoneheart™ (by Verona Forni) or Tubix™ (by Bassanina/Forma) hearth oven is the answer. These ovens are manufactured to our specifications in Italy by two leading oven manufacturers.
Steelheart™ (Zoom) Gas Deck Oven
Steelheart™ (Zoom) Gas Deck Oven
STEELHEART™ 812 GAS DECK OVENS WITH INTEGRATED LOADERS ARE IN STOCK AND READY TO DELIVER AND INSTALL. The Steelheart™ Deck oven is designed primarily for retail bakeries due its compact design. The gas burner on this oven fires into a stainless steel flame tube, which serves as the heat exchanger, transmitting heat to the water-filled vapor tubes that wrap around it. These vapor tubes, in turn, heat the stone hearths below and air above each hearth. This oven frequently fits both the available space and budget for retail bakeries that produce a variety of bread and other baked goods.