TAGH Series Cyclothermic Oven


Continental Forni



The TMB TAGH Baking Cyclothermic Oven is a gas-fired oven that relies upon a large fan to circulate the heated air evenly throughout the baking chamber, rather than employ vapor tubes to disseminate and heat to the hearth decks and air within the baking chambers. The oven has been very popular in grocery in-store bakeries and other environments that cannot support the weight of concrete, masonry and vapor tubes filled with water. These ovens have a solid reputation for good baking performance over long time periods.

  • Four baking decks, each with two or three baking chambers per deck ( 8 or 12 baking chambers/oven)
  • Baking chamber window width of 600mm (23.6”)
  • Hearth stone depths of 1600mm (63” – two baguettes deep) up to 2400mm (94”- three baguettes deep), providing baking capacity suitable to all retail and mid-size wholesale bakeries
  • Air heated by gas burner that fires into a flame tube, then distributed evenly by use of fan to each deck of the oven by use of passageways and baffles
  • A single steam generator per deck located in the base of the oven, with steam in-flow in the back of the oven
  • Use of high-temperature insulation for zero-clearance rating on sides and back of oven (some space required for installers to assemble side and back panels)
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